Sure Spin® Bait Fish Helmet 3-Pack

  • $7.95
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Dick's Sure Spin® Bait Fish Helmet  is a bait fish head that delivers a perfect cut plug spin while extending bait life giving perfect presentations in the fish zone.  John Raby reports this experience on the water, see his report below.

Used with a variety of bait fish that include herring, anchovies, sardines, and minnows of all types--any bait fish sized to the helmet, a fish attracting roll.

Now fish with downriggers, higher trolling speeds, against heavy currents and tides with confidence. All are UV reactive!   The GLOW is particularly good at depths or on dark days.  Our most recent field report comes from an article in the February 2024 issue of Fish Alaska that reports the glow was the go-to at 80 feet on a downrigger. 

Beach and jetty casters are taking increased amounts of salmon by casting and retrieving herring.   

Sure Spin provides a correct and durable cut angle throughout the life of the bait. There are many ways to fish and rig a Sure Spin, but most often an out of the package two hook herring rig is the choice. Increasing numbers of anglers use Sure Spin® with an appropriately sized Maruto #7771 treble.  Sure Spin is effective fished alone or with your favorite flasher.  Maruto makes an excellent barbed sickle style hook of premium quality and for the expanding barbless fisheries, use the same hook in a ridged barbless version we call a Grabber Hook.

Bait fish commonly used with Sure Spin in the NW include herring, sardines, and anchovies.  However any forage fish of a similar body shape will work well.  

Rigging:  bait sizes and grades often vary by supplier, year, and season.   For example if you are using green label herring focus on size Medium and have a few Large in the box as well.  There is typically one to several oversize in a tray of medium or green label herring, the same is often true for all the other size grades.

XXS (double extra small): yellow label herring, anchovies, minnows (3-3.5" baits)

XS (extra small): for orange label herring (3.5-4" baits)

S (Small): for red label herring (4 - 5" baits)

M (Medium): for green label herring (5 - 6" baits)

L (Large): for big greens and small blue label herring (7 - 8" baits)

XL (Extra Large): for blue label herring (9 - 10" baits)

XXL (double extra large): for big blue and purple label herring (10"+ baits)

3XL (triple extra large): for big purple and black label herring (11"+ baits)

Availability: 3-Pack un-rigged, or single pre-rigged 



Demo by Dick Jacobs:

Angler West TV:

Field Reports, endorsements, and write-ups:

 John Rabey: A Field Report

Paul Lefebvre: A Field Report

Rigging VISUALS:

Rigging Sure Spin with a prawn

Rigging the Sure Spin®


Pre-Tied Sure Spin Leaders 

Sure Spin's packaged fully rigged-BARBLESS MARUTO GRABBER HOOKS

Sure Spin packaged fully rigged-BARBED MARUTO

Sure Spin Bait Cutter Pro-easily cut baits with a compound miter that fits Sure Spin perfectly.


Bead Chain swivels