Our accessories category includes terminal tackle other than hooks or Sure Spin Bait Fish Helmets. We carry US Made bead chain swivels in the most popular 6 bead size or the helpful 39 bead, or 9.5 inch, size. CrocJaw Boat Clips, are very handy for boat towels, hanging rigs or clothing, even chip bags! Our fleece Beanies provide amazing warmth to the head in cold weather. The Sure Spin Bait Cutter Pro is the only half-pipe design on a bait cutter made. Being a half-pipe makes centering bait for a consistent cut is easy! Providing a perfect angle cut which imparts and great spin on baits, the angle cut also fits perfectly into the Sure Spin Helmet. The Tim Juarez Oar Rests makes resting oars on the gunnels easy when bringing fish to net. We also offer the Sure Spin Rigging Kit that includes toothpicks and 15 bobber stops for use when rigging Sure Spin's, as well as Bottom Skippers and Weight Hangers for our LongLiner product.