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Catfish Advantage
Agrowing number of tournament, professionals, and sport anglers are switching to our new line of Maruto hooks: Catfish Advantage. Strong, sharp, and of a unique design, these circle hooks do very well when chasing trophies or when looking to have a fish fry!
Anglers who seek catfish for food and sport are all over the world. Here in the US, the most sought-after catfish species is likely the Channel Cat. Other species that provide excellent sport are Blue, Flathead, and the black and brown bullhead. Some of these fish are huge and amazing catches are seen in Catfish tournaments.
Our Pro Staff Team are having a great time chasing big cats in tournaments all over the upper Midwest, near east, and the Atlantic states. We offer a couple of hook styles that are amazing for cats. Our #348 Circle hook has become a "go to" in the 8/0 and we'll offer a 10/0 very soon. The #348 Barbless in 4/0 and 5/0 sizes holds tight and are removed easily. And lastly, there is the 8832TUE Maruto: a powerful and sharp sickle style up to 11/0.